A reference letter is a document that details a student’s academic or community achievements, character traits, and personal attributes. Teachers, guidance counselors, school administrators, club organizers, and coaches often have ample evidence of a student’s capabilities. Academic letters of reference can supplement a student’s transcript to help us better understand who you are and what you aspire to be. Community reference letters can help us understand how you contribute/impact and support a specific community, program or group of people.
For a reference letter to be effective, it should include the following:
1. A brief introduction;
2. Outline the student’s qualifications;
3. Describe a time that the student impressed you, academically or for what they did to the community;
4. Describe the students character and qualities, and highlight what makes them a worthy candidate;
5. Provide the referees contact information and signature.
Please ensure the reference letter is written using organizational letterhead, otherwise it will not be accepted. Please note that there may be application questions that ask for referees to complement/provide reference to your answers, so you may have to complete your application ahead of time and provide your referees with your application answers.